Hi there, I’m Jason Chan and I just want to make great games.

While I’m primarily more experienced with programming, I’m always open to picking up new skills and acquiring more knowledge, constantly working towards the goal of creating interesting games. I’ve always been passionate about games as a medium but I’ve always felt a sense of both awe and anxiety about being able to make games. It was always this thing where I would think, “Oh wow, I really want to make a game but I don’t know how, or where do I even begin?”

Towards the end of my bachelor’s degree, the question of my future career path kept swimming around my mind and I finally put my foot down on game development. Not having an existing portfolio, I decided to spend a few months post-graduation to learn as much as I could about game development, and that’s exactly what I did!

Now, I’m intermediately-versed with Unreal Engine 4, I am getting used to Unreal Engine 4’s flavour of C++, and most importantly, I shipped a game in a month! I’ve come a long way, but I have so much more to learn, and I am so ready to continue honing my skills and learning new things.

Favourite games (in no particular order):

Feel free to contact me at:

